Nomination / Voting Rules
Over the years, we’ve continued to make a conscious effort to satisfy various inquiries about the nomination and/or voting process for the Southern Entertainment Awards. We will always pride our show on “the people’s vote”, but continue to seek ways to satisfy while maybe not everyone, the majority. The Southern Entertainment Awards committee makes a conscious attempt to ensure that everyone is involved with every aspect of the awards presentation. Please understand that we work diligently and hard to satisfy everyone and respect those associated with the process. As we discover the perfect procedure and process for nominations, please expect minor changes. Whatever the changes are, you, the voters, will be notified. We want this process to be as seamless, stress free and simple as possible, while maintaining the integrity, honesty and reputation of our brand.
Nominations are open to the general public, this means that anyone can nominate whomever they desire on our open ballot during the period listed below. Once Nominations have ended, a third party company counts & certifies the nominations received per category and consolidates by the top 20 number of nominations received per category to create the "Official" ballot.
Once our ballot is created and released our voting process will start. Voting takes place during the period listed below and upon its conclusion our winners will be determined by the number of votes received per category and announced at our Awards Ceremony.
Note: Votes are certified by a third party audit company.
Nominations: June – September
Voting: November – March